Centre Street grooming Studio is Expanding!
With the grooming in such high demand, we have expanded our grooming studio. We now have grooming up to 4 times a week. Jane, Karen, Mina, and Jacklyn are all very highly qualified and have been mastering their professional styling skills for years. They have an advanced technique for reducing shedding using special de-shedding shampoo and tools.
Visit our website for more tips and grooming ideas. You can also request a grooming appointment online! They can also help out our feline friends, so for those of you who are cat owners, give us a call to arrange for their pampering.
Laser Therapy
Since Laser Therapy has arrived at our clinic we have seen first hand the benefits that the latest in laser technology has to offer. Many of our clients have noticed a vast improvement in there furry family member. It has been used very effectively to help treat and manage, without side effects, arthritis, back pain, skin wounds, post surgical incisions, physical rehabilitation, and most conditions involving pain, inflammation and swelling. We have seen a reduction in healing times by almost in half as well as reduced bruising and prevention of infection allowing a more comfort recovery to our pets.
We are one of the few hospitals in Ontario offering this technology, as we are committed to ensuring our patients are offered the best medicine available.
Preventive Medications
Keep Your Pets Safe
Preventive medications protect your pet by preventing the maturation of any heartworms that your pet may have been infected with.
The most common parasite of cats and dogs is the flea. Fleas are usually thought of as a summer pest, but with the warmer weather on the way, it is not too early to begin thinking about protection. Pets can even pick up fleas in the winter if they come in contact with other animals – other pets or wildlife – that may be carrying these pets.
With mosquitoes comes heartworm disease. Our Hospital recommends Revolution as the most medically advanced protection. Oral heartworm alternatives are available if needed in some cases. Revolution also takes care of fleas, ear mites, ticks, roundworms, and manage mites in days.
Likewise, all cats, especially those that go outdoors or are in contact with outdoor cats or dogs, need to be protected also. All pets should start parasite prevention before the end of June.