A good problem to have:

So the holidays are upon us and you have this wild idea of taking a trip with the family to a warm a cozy Caribbean island, but soon realize that you have no one to leave your beloved dog or cat with. Maybe you’re planning to spend the holidays with family and they’ve advised you that you can’t bring your canine or feline companion.

Did you know that here at Centre Street Animal Hospital we offer hotel-like accommodations for your pet? Here are some benefits of boarding with us:

  • Our facilities a kept perfectly clean
  • Your pet will receive  healthy doses of exercise each day
  • All our kennels are 6 feet by 3 feet wide, giving your pet plenty of space
  • Cats and dogs are maintained in separate rooms for their own comfort
  • Bring his/her favorite toys!
  • We will meet your pet’s specific diet and physical needs
  • Our medical facility will ensure your pet’s safety
  • We abide by the highest standards of pet care

Keep your Pets safe this holiday season!

Let us take this opportunity to remind you about pet safety during this holiday season. Here are few things to keep in mind to ensure the safety of your pet:

  • Christmas Tree: If you have a Christmas tree, make sure it is securely anchored to prevent it from tipping over and injuring your pet.
  • Tinsels: Avoid using tinsels as they may obstruct their digestive tract and cause life-threatening side effects.
  • Alcohol: If your festivities include alcohol, make sure you don’t leave cups unattended as alcohol can have negative effects on your pet’s health. (Don’t forget to drink responsibly!)
  • Food: With a joyful spirit, the holidays can be a tempting time to trat your dog. Be very careful that your dog is not exposed to Chocolate as this can be very dangerous and potentially fatal. Also, keep in mind that raisins and grapes are also toxic as wel as macadamia nuts. The best advice: feed your pet his/her normal diet. If you do feel the need to treat your pet, a small scoop of natual vanilla ice cream is more than enough. Make sure that it does not contain Xylitol, an artificial sweetener that is bad for dogs.
  • Toys: Want to place a gift for your beloved pet under the Christmas Tree or within its holiday stockings this holiday season? Chose gifts that are safe. Your local pet store will have plenty of ideas for you.

If you run into trouble this holiday season and experience a medical emergency, contact our clinic or the nearest emergency pet clinc. If you have any question or would like to book your pet for boarding at our clinic, we are here to help you, simply give us a call!